Tunnel Type Sheep Farms

Geothermiki S.A. offers two different solutions. The frame of the units is made of steel, which is covered with zinc coating under high temperature, providing high protection against corrosion.

The certified constructions are available at the widths of 9.6 meters and 12 meters, depending on the requirements and the specific needs of the farmer.

Geothermiki S.A. offers high quality buildings, paying particular attention to the design of the ventilation system.

We install electric roof – top hatch and rolling type windows or electric side windows, and insulation covering (polyurethane panels or fiberglass) providing the ideal conditions and wellness for a remarkable productivity of the animal population.

Stable goat-sheep farming is considered to be that undertaking where livestock farming needs are mainly covered by feed delivered to premises. On the basis of Ministerial Decision 5888 of 03/02/2004 on the construction and installation of greenhouse skeletons or movable forage shelters, the types of which have the approval of the Agricultural Control Center or another body designated by the Ministry of Agriculture, building permit..

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