
“You have the Idea … We have the way to materialize it”

 In the Photovoltaic units, the use of sun – tracking systems is very common. These systems are called “trackers” and they are ideal, especially, in areas with high percentage of direct irradiation, such as Greece

There are two types of trackers: The single axis trackers, which monitor the daily motion of the sun in the axis East – West and the double axis trackers, which also change their elevation on the North – South axis.

In both cases, the trackers have the ability to follow the daily path of the sun along the respective one or both axes and in accordance with the best seasonal incidence of the sun. Achieving the verticality of the incident solar radiation on the surface of the panels ensures that the annual energy efficiency is increased by 20% to 40%.

Geothermiki SA became active and dynamic in the field of photovoltaic trackers, realizing the rapid growth and the high demand for quality solutions of the PV market. Our competitive advantages are the highly qualified staff, the ultramodern and fully automated production unit and our pioneering design department.

We can design from scratch and construct a single or double – axis tracker, on behalf of any constructions company within the photovoltaic industry, providing fully integrated construction solutions. Also, we can edit existing technical drawings for trackers, produce the industrial production plans and then build the final product.

As part of this activity, Geothermiki SA has undertaken the project to develop industrial production plans and to build, exclusively, the double – axis circular tracker “NEDA”, three years ago. Until now, Geothermiki SA has constructed on their premises a significant amount of trackers “NEDA” for photovoltaic stations throughout Greece (Thrace, Macedonia, Peloponnese, Crete etc). Their total installed capacity exceeds 5MW. The common characteristic in the manufacturing process of these trackers, during the past three years, has been the accurate compliance to technical rules, set by NEDA SA and the undisputable top quality of any Geothermiki SA construction.

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