Message from the President


I grasp the opportunity to seek a direct contact with you, through the web, in order to discuss various issues.

Our long-term presence in the field of metal constructions, counting 32 years of continuous and fruitful work, has given us the inventiveness, experience and expertise, which have been continually enriched by your own visions and needs worldwide.

Starting in the early years, with the tobacco processing machinery, we shifted to the construction of greenhouses, modern installations for sheep and poultry farms, buildings, mounting systems and trackers for photovoltaics etc. Nowadays, living in the era of rescheduling, we feel ready, more than ever, to invite you to share with us the competitive advantage of our long-term expertise, along with our plans and visions. To invite you our clients, our collaborators, our friends, our antagonists, the thoughtful people dealing with the same or similar issue.

Then, following the same responsibility, the same consistence ant the same technological excellence, we would like to create along with you, even more modern constructions, which will serve your continuously emerging needs.

With my warmest regards,

Yiannis Batsis

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