Geothermiki S.A. supports a small or large investment, from the initial stage of research to after sales assistance. Thanks to our highly qualified and experienced staff, we have achieved an excellent cooperation with our customers, with respect to their expectations and to the values and high standards of our company.

We are able to recommend the best solution for your needs, as a result for our long experience and expertise.

We remain by your side even after the completion of the construction, with a network of sales – persons and agents ready to respond quickly and reliably to your request.

Contact us at +302310797001 or through the contact form.


Geothermiki has extensive experience in planning, design and construction of modern light metal fish farms.

Today, thanks to the technological developments in linings, methods of painting and insulation materials, the use of steel in the basic metal frame is the most economical solution for specialized facilities of high standards. Geothermiki in the position to deal with any demanding application in the field of fish – farming, based on the technical expertise and the long experience of its employees and partners.

Geothermiki S.A. offers a range of metal building as storage areas that meet customer needs for agricultural and livestock farms.

The construction method allows a high degree of design flexibility, combines with the lowest possible cost. In this way the facilities provide safe storage for products and equipment or they can even accommodate specific agricultural processes.

The offered constructions are made of a lightweight steel frame, usually galvanizes with a variety of covering options and ventilation systems, ensuring the ideal conditions of storage environment.

The construction of metal buildings for housing and breeding of rabbits is one of the areas of high interest for Geothermiki S.A.

Given the sensitivity of rabbits to high temperatures, this type of constructions has been studied with great accuracy, with focus on high thermal insulation.

The effective ventilation and the cooling system ensure the proper and healthy growth of the animal. This ensures high productivity with low energy costs, the principles to which Geothermiki remains faithful for the last four decades.

The mushroom cultivation requires facilities, with adjustable environmental conditions (temperature, ventilation, lighting, humidity,etc.) throughout the production process.
Geothermiki S.A. constructs mushroom production chambers, with controlled conditions, which is a special arched type (tunnel) greenhouse. The chambers can be placed in series or in two facing rows with a walkway in the middle. The frame of the chambers consists entirely of galvanized steel pipes of various diameters.

The covering of the chambers is a special insulation “sandwich” consisting of: (outside to inside)(a) outer layer of polyethylene (or transparent polyester sheets), (b) of fiberglass insulation filling and (c) inner layer of polyethylene.
The sides and the doors are manufactures of polyester sheets with fiberglass insulation or panels made of polyurethane.
The chambers are equipped with a set of internal microclimate control equipment (air conditioner, high pressure fog systems with sprayers, ventilation fans, shading systems, and automation board) which varies in the terms of air cooling capability and cost. The long – term experience of Geothermiki S.A. guarantees the best result in the construction of mushroom farms.

Geothermiki S.A.provides solutions for any kind of construction, relative to the production of snails. In the reproduction chamber there are controlled conditions of temperature, humidity and photoperiod. There is also total control of the growing biology of snails, so we can have reproductive outcome regardless of the season period.

The fattening rooms are garden nets made of galvanizes metal frame especially designed for the needs of snails breeding. Internally, they are divided into fattening parts with electrified fencing, feeders and shades. The young snails immediately after hatching are transferred o the fattening rooms and are placed inside the feeders. They remain there for a period of 3 to 4 months until they reach to a commercial size. Inside the garden nets the maintenance of the requires humidity, for the growing of the snails, is achieved by the usage of fogging systems.

Geothermiki S.A. provides its clients with various types of prefabricated metal buildings suitable for cattle. Depending on the key objective and the capacity of the farm ( dairy, fattening and the meat production) we design and construct in every detail all the buildings, according to the health provisions. We install electric roof – top hatch and rolling type windows or electric side windows, and insulation covering (polyurethane panels or fiberglass) providing the ideal conditions and wellness for a remarkable productivity of the animal population.

The cattle farms are usually consisted of living quarters, milk rooms, and isolation rooms for the diseased animals and feed storage areas. Geothermiki’s constructions for livestock are adapted to the requirements of each customer, the size and the layout he chooses.